Everyday is a good day to build more community.
We forge connections between nature and humans, while watching what became of the dinosaurs, listening eagerly to their scintillating songs. David Sibley, ornithologist, author, and artist, joins us to speak on all things birds, just as he will on May 22nd at a fundraiser for Tilton Library. All this orchestrated by librarian Candice Bradbury, who tells us how this will all help the library's renovation plans.
We also dig into connections forged while growing into a new home. The Center for New Americans helps immigrants in the area adapt and adjust to life stateside, and they'll be presenting "Immigrant Voices" at the Shea Theater this Sunday with some of the folx who have benefited from their programs. Director Laurie Millman and current student Roberto Loccident of Haiti give us a glimpse of what the organization does and will show us onstage.
And we reconnect with our neighbors, especially those in need. Hunt Chase of the Hilltown CDC came to our studios to chat about all the things the organization does for all the folx in the hidden hills, especially the Hilltown Mobile Market, which has seen remarkable growth and is incredibly useful to those who might otherwise have to go without.