The things that shift when you're not looking is what this show is about.
That happened last week with decisions that the Supreme Court handed down. Although some were expected, others were not and to sort through the wreckage, we get Western New England University Law Professor Jen Taub involved.
There's the slow subtle shift in how we understand things. Have you ever wondered why it sounds okay to say fine ancient white ceramic plates but not ceramic fine white ancient plates? The answer has to do with the order of adjectives. Resident wordster, Emily Brewster, senior editor from Merriam-Webster walks us through the evolution of that order and how the specifics of it are becoming simpler.
And there's the shifts that happen just due to the circumstances of the day. Although we had planned to chat with Mike Calabrese of Calabrese Farm in Southwick about their corn crops, deliveries keep him on the road and unable to talk. Lucky for us, he's the younger brother of Joe Calabrese who is able to speak to us about all of the things that are fresh right now, how the May frost affected their fruit crops, and the pleasures of family dynamics on their acres in Southwick.