Police in Springfield, Massachusetts, say they will enforce state law when it comes to legalized marijuana, unless they receive additional guidance from top state officials. At the same time, police spokesman Ryan Walsh said the department will cooperate with any federal investigations.
Essentially, Walsh said, the policy remains the same.
"If the U.S. attorney or any federal investigation comes into the city, Springfield Police Department is [going to] assist them, as we've always done in the past," said Walsh.
This week, Massachusetts Public Safety Secretary Daniel Bennett, who oversees the state police, told The Boston Herald they have no intention of raiding a "pot shop" that is legal under Massachusetts law.
When asked what would happen if federal officials wanted to shut down a marijuana shop in Springfield, operating within state law, Walsh called that a hypothetical situation and wouldn't comment further.
Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno said as long as the business is operating within legal and public safety guidelines, "it should be fine.”