This story was written by a high school student participating at NEPM's Media Lab Summer '23 cohort, in partnership with MassLive. It was first presented at Media Lab's Showcase.
The story behind Fire House Hot Dogs is more than just selling food out of a truck.
This small business started off as a hobby in 2019 with a hotdog cart and umbrella and led to a full on choice to keep working and upgrading trucks, as owners Johanna and Eric went on,. finding a passion in selling and making all different types of food.
“We wanted to find a way to make extra money," said Johanna Maldonado. Their passion about this business is clear that they are not doing it just for the money.
“The name of the truck came in memory and honor of my father and brother who were Springfield firefighters,” said Johanna Maldonado. The name of the truck was dedicated to Johnanna’s brother and father while the food names on the menu were mostly by Eric Maldonado. They contribute to the food truck and hope to continue making many more things.
The Maldonados have put their pride into the truck, starting off with a little cart and wanting more. That led to getting an R8 truck and to what they have now. The owners settled on getting a full on truck that they can personally drive and not be attached to the back of their car. Much more space can also lead to more food options.
The backstory of this truck has inspired many young media producers as some stated they would love to get the chance to start a food truck. It was nice to hear and feel the thought and work put into the Fire House Hot Dogs food truck.
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