Springfield employees celebrated Public Service Recognition Week with a free throw contest Monday in front of City Hall. The event recognizes public service workers. Participants were allowed two practice shots with an additional eight chances to get as many baskets in as possible.

Lavar Click-Bruce, a city council member and one of the winners of the contest, said these events unite the employees.
"This brings people together for some fun times. It brings comradery. People work hard all the time and it's always good to get together and have some fun once in a while," he said. "We have some laughs and really support one another."
Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno also took his shot at the contest. He said these events are a "great morale booster" for the staff.
More events are planned throughout the week, including Spirit Day where employees will wear Springfield themed apparel.
"I am excited to see the talent that our employees have and to have some fun too," Sarno said.