Today we peek behind the curtain.
There's synergy to be found in young folx collaborating and figuring out new paths of expression. The School of Dance and Contemporary Thought approaches this from several fronts: working with other youth arts group, and by fostering it's own young pre-professional company in The Hatchery. Both prongs of this philosophy have shows this weekend at the Academy of Music in Northampton and we chat with Artistic Director and Founder Jen Polins about fostering a blossoming dance culture in the valley.
There's adaptations to be found in Sunderland. Dave Wisseman of Millstone Market, Warner's Farm, and Mike's Maze gives us a real look at how devastating last week's frost has been, and at how learning on the go helped them not only survive that late season freeze but the pandemic as well. Also about his love for strawberries (which mostly managed to survive).
And there's growth to be found in the mountains. We head to Tanglewood to visit it's namesake. Which isn't to say that the woods are tangled, but that their tales may be. So we seek out groundskeeper Thomas Leahy
(who we have affectionately dubbed the Lorax-in-residence) to discover all things arboreal at the BSO's summer home. Between he and senior publicist Matthew Erikson we get a full view of the symphony of trees on their grounds, and their efforts to keep them in harmony.