"Holding Up the Sky" is a documentary that follows the post-prison evolution of an ex-felon, Ed Jordan, and how he continues to change the lives of other 'returning citizens.' We chat with the filmmaker, Emerson professor Bob Nesson, about his informative film that’s showing at Launchspace in Orange this weekend.
We check in with Rep. Jim McGovern about his visit with the Dalai Lama, Thursday’s presidential debate, Julian Assange and more.
And, our favorite itinerant bartender, Sean Billson, swings by the studios for an impromptu cocktail Thunderdome. Here are the tasty recipes that competed for the title:
-1.5 oz Slivovitz
-1.5 oz Gin
-.75 oz Fernet Vallet
-1 oz grapefruit juice
-juice of 1/2 lime
-mix together, add ice, shake, strain.
Le Pin
-2 oz Hennessy
-.75 oz Zirbenz
-.25 oz Fernet Vallet
-.5 oz orange juice
-.5 oz lemon juice
-mix together, add ice, shake, strain