On The Rundown, our panel confronts a continuance without a finding. Key figures facing criminal neglect charges in the Holyoke Soldiers' Home COVID outbreak of 2020 had their latest day in court and we discuss how these cases were resolved.
The state’s new commissioner of elementary and secondary education promises to return local control of Holyoke’s school district. What does this mean for the Paper City?
And, the Biden administration is refusing a disaster declaration request to provide federal funds to three Massachusetts counties hit hard by flooding, and the western Massachusetts congressional delegation is pushing back.
This week’s panel includes MassLive reporter John Micek, political consultant Anthony Cignoli and NEPM reporter Jill Kaufman.
Plus, we’ll hear some reporting highlights of the week from the NEPM Newsroom and the NENC with stories about crows contributing to new advanced imaging technology, marijuana community impact lawsuits, and America’s fastest growing sport: pickleball.