All over the region, unlikely connections are being made.
We see this in Holyoke, where those connections should be more apparent. The Holyoke Housing Authority has teamed up with Atlas Farms to bring its mobile market to several locations during the week. By speaking with Justine Sabbs of the HHA, Jacob Nelson of CISA, and Megan Williams of Atlas farms about how this collaboration impacts those living in the food deserts of western Massachusetts and ends up benefitting local farms as well.
And speaking of getting local produce, our mcgoverning with Rep. Jim McGovern this week concerns the potential addendums to the current farm bill as well as PLANT: The Peas, Legumes and Nuts Today Act recently proposed in the House.
And it's between visual artists and brewed things of all types. The Art of Brewing is a beer festival at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge that celebrates not just the brews of western Massachusetts, but those whose art adorns their labels. We speak with local artists Dean Keever, whose art can be seen on a great many cans and bottles including from Vanished Valley, Progression, and Treehouse to name a few, and with festival organizer and museum senior development officer Bailey Girvan about the importance of elevating illustration, and the beautiful partnership of graphics and brew.