We’re in a difficult time in the country’s history, historical struggles that folx still reckon with to this day. We take a look at a new novel from a multi-disciplinary artist who has spent his whole life shining light on these uphill battles.
We’re joined by actor, director, script writer, producer and, most importantly in this case, author John Sayles to discuss his latest novel, “To Save the Man." We discover the appeal and difficulty of characterizing the Carlisle Indian Industrial School without shying away from its lasting consequences on Indigenous and non-indigenous people in the United States. To hear more insight from Sayles, you can meet the author tomorrow night at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley. Plus, we also let you know where you can dive deeper on the Carlisle Indian School’s connection to football on a beloved NPR program.
We also take terms right out of the kitchen and into the realm of the Word Nerd as Emily Brewster, senior-editor at Merriam-Webster, fires us through the origins of the phrases “86” and "Deep Six.”