Today, we're traversing Franklin county to nourish the body and spirit.
Started as a summer retreat for like minded and curious spiritualists, Lake Pleasant has grown into a quiet but resilient community while retaining some truly unique locations. We’ll visit their sites with residents Mary Bordeaux and David James to hear their town history as they get ready for their 150th anniversary festivities this Saturday.
And we head across the bridge to Stone Soup Cafe in Greenfield who’ll host their Harvest Supper, an annual event that has become a tradition for Franklin County. We talk with the cafe’s board president, Whitney Robbins, and executive director and chef, Kirsten Levitt, about how the idea to just feed the people with no strings right in the downtown commons came about and what’s on the menu Aug. 24.
Plus, Word Nerd Emily Brewster, senior editor at Merriam-Webster, is igniting a pursuit for clarity between the words flammable and inflammable that may just be flammatory…?