The Shea Theater is transforming itself into a Leviathan tonight and tomorrow with an immersive experience that transfigures the venue into a wholly otherworldly place. At the core of this performance is our Live Music Friday guest, Cloudbelly, who’ll talk about how doing expansive theater in this fashion affects the music they make.
We take you further south to Easthampton where the next recipients of the CitySpace’s Pay-It-Forward grant are taking to the stage. Human Agenda Theater is gearing up for a ONE NIGHT performance of their latest work, “Within the Glow,” the good and bad that comes with gathering,and why it’s an essential part of our humanity.
And, sorry PSL (pumpkin spice latte) people, the real beverage of the fall is cider and western Massachusetts is literally at the heart of the hard cider revival. We head to Provisions in Northampton to check out two classics from the cidery that really paved the way for American cider makers, West County Cider.