We’re blissing out and detoxing while we’re at it since January is often a time when people take breaks.
For all those people and the folx that love them, a previously online-exclusive non-alcholic beverage shop is getting a brick and mortar location in Easthampton. Dry Humor is here to prove that beverages can totally be tasty without pesky ethanol getting in the way, so we chat with founder CJ Mutti about the rapid growth of the business and the industry and sample one of her wares.
Plus, we learn about the New England Synth Fest, an interactive event for electronic sound happening at The Clark Institute in Williamstown this weekend. But, there’s a huge range of what synths are and could be, so we speak with organizer Kent Lundberg and performer NXOR about the vast array of sounds one my encounter in the galleries, the ways you can get hands on with the music at their Synth Petting Zoo, and get a preview of one of NXOR’s works for Live Music Friday.